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Malaysia Refuses to Surrender Republic Train Station without an Arm or Leg September 4, 2009

Posted by Lawrence Oei in Editor Notes.
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Whenever my overseas friends drop by the Republic’s train station, they will remarked how different it is compared to any other public amenities of Singapore! And I will routinely reply that it does not even belong to us! It’s still the property of the state of Malaysia! A recent negotiation to get this station back to the hands of the Singapore government ended with a ferocious demand on the part of Malaysia to only give it up if Singapore would to give in return, half a dozen of prime real estate in the most prestigious business district to the government of Malaysia. No deal was struck.

The station is extremely shabby and poorly maintained and serve as a stark contrast in architecture with her surrounding buildings. O well, that’s life and its good to be able to travel back in time some twenty years whenever you step into the premise.